#1 Rule of Marketing
Everyone is not your customer.
David Ralston LMT (480)512-2667
#1 Rule of Marketing
Everyone is not your customer.
#1 Rule of Marketing
Everyone is not your customer.
#1 Rule of Marketing
Everyone is not your customer.
7147 East Rancho Vista Drive #B29 Scottsdale, AZ. 85251
(480) 512-2667 Remember to turn on E. Rancho Vista Dr. You can park in the parking garage under the building, find a sign saying guest parking. We are located DOWNSTAIRS Phones don't always work in garage try text.
Hopefully this makes it easy Pls leave early watch the videos this one and the one below.
Yes it's true we don't all hold the pencil in our hand the same way or see the same art work as appealing to the eye, the truth we don't even speak the same you say soda and I say pop.
We are not all the same.
We may not all have the same experiences & expectations which lead to different opinions.
Take a deep breath its totally ok.
We don't have to agree on everything in life.
We may not have all the facts.
Speaking up and using your voice is truly a powerful thing,
I feel you should!
However realize your truth or experiences may not be the same as mine.
So at that point we move on from trying to force or convince someone to change. So
If you feel you must be right and need me to agree with your political or religious choices or diet fads perhaps you are in the wrong office. You want me to say sure you can go back to boxing class it's not going to hurt you. Nah I am to honest.
Point is we don't always have to win people to our thinking. Let it go! Imagine the wolf above saying no you shut your face I am TOTALLY right!!!!!!!!!
The real question your looking for is...
Are you worth my time and money?
Can I afford the session?
Do I value your work?
Can you help with my issue?
Quite possibly the big question is...
Can you adapt and be flexible to my needs.
People come with things that didn't happen in an hour,
their problems could have been years in the making
however they expect to leave with those things fixed in an hour.
The reality is sometimes this is possible and sometimes it is not.
That is called reality.
Just remember
will lead to less car problems & this works the same for the body.
Why do some list $$$ and some don't?
Why are some so costly while others are so cheap?
I'm not hiding anything,
So please check around see for yourself.
I always find it interesting how within our field
people graduate school have a few months experience
and they are charging more than someone
with vast amounts of experience who has been doing it for 20 yrs plus...
Does this make them better? You get what you pay for may be accurate some times but not always...
All Payments collected prior to treatment.
$100.00 = 60 minutes
$145.00 = 90 minutes
$190.00 = 120 minutes
All Payments collected prior to treatment. Why? That is my policy.
HSA/FSA card if you don't mind to pay the transaction fee of using the card.
Prices don't fluctuate based on you joining a membership. Your an adult take ownership of how serious you are in looking to get better health. You could have a gym membership and use it once or twice a year. Once again good work, good food, good service, will draw people and they will come back if they value the experience.
Benefits to bring my own sheets?
"I don't like the laundry soap you used it bothers my skin"
"Oh I hope my spray tan chemicals I use come out of your sheets, I don't want to ruin your sheets"
" I am so sorry I didn't realize I was bleeding from that scab of mine"
These issues are taxing over the years and would help me out if you would bring in your own sheets. However the choice is yours. Thank you
At current time I am not using different oils people bring in for me to use.
*****************So what type of work do you do?*****************
I do hands on Bodywork with the help of tools coming with a passion from the heart!
Simple I use what I know, from my many years of experiences and cross blending of many techniques, with a touch of creativity, and apply it to the people I work on. I am not married to any one style or technique.
See a great deal of folks in our business try to define you and understand you with a label such as Deep Tissue, Myofascial work, Neuromuscular work, Rolfing to name a few.
So if you found yourself doing all the techniques above, what style are you doing?
You are blending.
You are doing what works for that specific person in front of you and what works for one may not work for another.
Let's be real every situation is different and has multiple different issues.
Once again my goal is to do what works to fix problems. I am not married to a technique or a style. So don't try to pin me to one specific style.
Bruce Lee a talented, skilled, open minded, martial artist had trained in many styles and took the stuff he liked and formed it into a blend of simple effective techniques and concepts, that worked best for him and the situation at hand. Going forward with his approach he would call it JKD : Jeet Kune Do. He was not married to a technique or style.
So it is imperative to LISTEN
to what the client is actually asking for.
Sometimes they say they want the best of both worlds examples,
I want all my pain gone and to fall asleep here on the table. Now let's be real that is a mixed message.
Hmmm good luck with that one.
A guy comes in says it was hard dealing with my family this morning so I took some pain pills prior to coming in today, so push as hard as you want to.
I do Bodywork with the help of tools!
In my years of doing this and all the classes I have taken. I really have found few, other than those I have mentored along this journey, whom even come close to working in the way I do.
Note to those whom like stretching and massage combined, it's a safe bet you will like my work cause I mix it all together with NO upgrade fees...
Do I use cupping?
but not to pool blood to the surface
so we can leave dark circles & post it all over social media.
IASTM /Gua Sha ? Once again My goal is not to scrape you to the point of redness to bring about blood to the surface. I use tools to help protect my hands and give added pressure provided I deem necessary. Sometimes there are sessions I may not even pull a tool out.
Key word HANDS ON, that defines me greatly.
So put into thought if you have a swollen limb, lifting is not really getting rid of the fluid that is stagnate around the injury. A doctor may feel that is resolved through medication. Then give you visits to the PT to strengthen the area.
However what is missing is the actual HANDS ON time and the healing that comes from that.
However in an office that has a heavy volume of people needing to be seen, how is that possible?
The answer is simple, it's not.
It usually always comes back to money,
is your office close,
do you have time slots around my hours,
is it still a $25.00 copay...
You got to love it when people come in wondering from the start can I get a discount. Do you think my rent or schooling was bought at a discount? What about the gas for my car?
"Yeah but your not covered under my insurance plan..."
Ask your insurance company why they don't cover massage,
they will try and tell you its just for relaxation perhaps.
The big factor
I'm not
on a time clock trying to cash in on multiple codes,
remember more codes more money.
You are not limited on visit's as in 10 for the year.
Many years back I remember a chiro working on a patient involved in an accident, her insurance would only pay for her neck to be adjusted. So I being me asked why don't you adjust the whole body since it's all connected? The chiro stated I can't because her insurance won't pay for it and if they caught wind that I did adjust the area I could get into a lot of hot water.
Moral of the story,
Yeah it was under insurance but she was only getting partially treated.
Don't let your health care card determine your care.
Within the world we live in many people may feel highly vulnerable
to the aspect of going into a room
and having a professional body worker
laying hands on their naked body.
Yet that same person will have no concerns and feel totally fine
going to a restaurant and allowing a complete stranger
they have never met,
to prepare a meal
in which they will swallow
into their stomach yet not feel vulnerable
in any way.
Always amazing how the mind ticks...
Walking into the office the first time may feel like walking into the fog. Uncertain as to if it will pose as a good session could possibly be a little stressful for some. Clear your mind and don't expect anything and you might be fairly surprised. Establish, are you coming to relinquish pain that's been lingering a while, or your coming for relaxation and trying to escape the kids. Sometimes mas
So the engine light just came on the dash of your car showing you a problem exists .
Would it be a wise thing to ignore it, Or just lift the hood to the engine, locate the wire, & cut the internal wire relaying the message. Ahhhh problem solved!
By cutting the wire / messenger out of the picture you're not really dealing with the actual problem.
This is what pills and medication typically do & possibly even surgery. So while cutting a nerve there is no more signal. This is typically a last resort and permanent situation. I know it is covered under your insurance and the doctor said this was the thing you needed.
The goal should be to get to the root of the problem.
You should always want the work before you need the work.
To often in our country
we are often given medication
to numb this pain
get surgery to cut nerves leading us to not feel the pain.
Lifestyle is everything!
The mindset for many is when we FEEL pain
we eat or drink things to make us FEEL less pain.
Leading to way too much sugar in our system
which leads to feeling pain often times from inflammation.
Aka during the holidays people come in and everything is a lot more sore, why?
Cake, alcohol, pie, cookies puts more sugar in the system.
I asked a lady why she comes to me as she has so many choices all throughout this area. She said I truly feel you care and you enjoy spending time with my issues. I don't feel that with most people I go to. They are always in a hurry.
I said yeah that is the difference from a volume business compared to someone like me. I told her about a busy chiropractic office and how there was a standing line to get in to see them for your 2 min adjustment.
It runs like a factory. Unfortunately you're under the clock in this type office it's all about numbers and volume, selling contracts at a large number of visits (UP FRONT) for a discount.
Many volume-based businesses are run with the mindset more is better.
So I would question, Is the focus on numbers, dollars, volume, or the best care that can be given?
One could become a number, easily lost in a system where there is so many knocking & substandard work is quite possibly the norm.
But you say it can't be that bad because your health Insurance card copay is only $25.00.
Unfortunately these offices see a high volume which means MORE money for advertising and marketing which means MORE people see their info which means sometimes people think the BIGGER you are you must be good.
After all I heard you on the radio and the TV and you have a BIG building so your work has to be good. Plus you have an affiliation with this sports team, volunteering your work.
Let's keep it real they use you because of the fact you're willing to volunteer your time and give you the perk of sharing pictures on social media. Connections go along way, but truly don't mean your work is good.
In a relationship with someone who truly cares they spend TIME period. However realize someone can still spend time with you and have no skill.
Don't rely on someone who has little drive to improve themselves. The reality is you're always learning.
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All information on this website is intended for instruction and informational purposes only. The authors are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Significant injury risk is possible if you do not follow due diligence and seek suitable professional advice about your injury. No guarantees of specific results are expressly made or implied on this website.