Hopefully this isn't you! Many keyboard warriors these days whom feel their opinions are important...
Rotation, Trust me the slightest amount can make a big difference.
Posture, Ok imagine I had you hold 2 paint cans out to the side for a good hour Just because you lay them down doesn't mean your arms won't be taxed from holding them out there for so long. Using a muscle for too long can be taxing and take time to recover.
Posture is important. I have had some conversations with fellow therapists who think posture has nothing to do with back pain. I would like to give them a
2 inch wallet to sit on all day and see how that would change their mind.
One of the ways tissues are feed and drained is by what has been called the “muscle pump.” The contraction of a muscle helps to move the blood and lymph out of that muscle, and when it relaxes new blood flows in. Also, the harder the muscle works and pumps the faster the blood is expelled and the more that will be drawn in to feed that muscle.
The opposite is also true. The less a muscle works the lower the rate of blood flow through that tissue. If almost no movement occurs for hours the tissue barely gets enough to sustain its health. If you add on top of that a general tension or high tone in the muscle, well then even less gets in and little gets out or recycled. Now imagine the upper back and neck muscles of someone sitting at a computer for hours. They need to be contracting those muscle to hold themselves up-right, but they never really pump – they do not relax and contract rhythmically – they just hold and hold still, choking the tissue causing it to slowly become depleted of energy and nutrients.
Many of the waste products from cells if left too long in the tissue become “toxic.” They become irritants to the cells around them, interfering with proper cell function. They will also call for an inflammatory response. Further they break down into substances that can directly irritate nerve endings, creating pain and discomfort.
Now, muscles are a bit dumb. If irritated they tend to just tighten up. When this occurs you can see how everything just goes from bad to worse. The person then feels all of this poor tissue health as aches and pains accompanied by tension and stiffness.
Dude after work and sitting all day let's go kick it to the gym and tighten everything up. Let's get the blood moving. Yeah I'm down! So here is where a lot of things happen. You do everything to tighten things up and I do everything to loosen things up. See the difference in contrast of what's going on.
Check out this painful hit video
There will be another day. I like letting people know one ditch at a time! Rome wasn't built in a day. Would it not be of a logical sound mind to use a shovel to dig a ditch? Why than are so many opposed to using a tool in bodywork?
It is very easy to rip someone apart and tear them down. The world doesn't need more negative news or people it needs more positive people.
It's truly tough being on the stress wheel. The faster and faster you go just causing more stress. Hop on the highway in a big city you will see many stressed folks because they are usually running behind.
Can you think of any weightlifting activity involving compression of the disk with flexion?
Just because you don't want to see it does not mean life isn't passing by at light speed. We all age, we all get old, and in 70-80 yrs we will be more inclined to look back on how we lived and did we take care of ourselves. Or did we live for the moment and get plastered nightly and let it all slip away.
I try and eat healthy and get the care I need period.
Sometimes things don't always make sense. Are you feet any less important than your head? Sometimes in life we get way too comfortable with the surroundings.
Time may be the hardest thing to find, Just ask a doctor who is triple booked.If there is one person who deserves an hour of your time its you.
If I had a quarter for everyone whom said hey buddy Im going to send you 10 people from the gym. Mean what you say! Honor your words as they define who you are.
You are as important as you believe you are. Stop listening to the negative ones around you.
A lighter body is just simply easier on the joints and cartilage.
Please tell me your goal isn't to want to be addicted to pain meds. If you didn't have the health insurance card would you ever go to a person out of your network? Many would not even if they had the money and the ability.
I like the ability to self medicate it's quite easy. Why would I ever want to change that and start working out and eating differently nah thats not for me!
Enough said.
You my friend are doing that exercise wrong... Who me OH NO
Let's just be real does anyone want to be around people whom call you out, on things you shouldn't be doing, but you do them anyway. Yeah you do it all day which leads you to feel pain? Your habits could be detrimental to your health. Yet you get pissed at those holding you accountable.
You can't handle the truth
We as people love to place judgement.
Always amazed at how a couple is to afraid to get a massage yet have no problem with the unknown cook in the back of the diner making their food quite possibly with dirty hands...... Trust me long term use of your heavy laden chemicals & antiperspirants and statins are far more deadly than you think.
Stress Nah I dont have any of that I go to the gym.
Think about it, manage the time to take care of you.
Imagine that a tight
Just like blocks stacked upon one another what makes them stay attached? That would be tendons, ligaments, fascia, and muscle.
I need evidence this stuff works......
Sometimes your really not saving...
One can't put poison in their body forever and think it won't have any changes. You may think by ignoring the warning signals of pain and pushing on with your day it's not a big deal. Yet at some point it catches up.